The Saint John Window

St. John's Stainglass Window

The St. John Window was provided by Our Savior’s Congregation in appreciation for Pastor Harald Farseth and his ministry to the church. Symbolically known at the Winged Eagle, the spirit of this Gospel is like as eagle soaring to the throne of grace.

In the top scene, the serpent coming from the chalice is St. John’s most usual symbol. Tradition has it that an attempt was made to poison John and that the attempt failed because the poison vanished in the form of a serpent. There is good basis for the chalice being used as a symbol for this evangelist as Jesus indicated that John and James should drink of His cup. Also in this scene, Jesus and John are portrayed at the Last Supper.

The globe and dagger represent John’s missionary travels in spite of the constant dangers to his life.

In the next scene are James and John, the sons of Zebedee, as fishermen who were called to be ‘fishers of men.’ The boat, seen at the feet of John, is a symbol frequently used for the Church. The main part of a church is often called ‘nave’ which comes from the Latin word meaning ship.

The symbols at the bottom of the window portray the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. Pestilence is shown by a skull with a cowl; Conquest by a crown with a bow and arrow; Famine with blasted and withered weeds on a balance; and War indicated by the earth aflame and the barbed wire entanglements.